
Trusts remain an integral part of the New Zealand legal landscape and notwithstanding recent tax law changes they continue to be useful tools for many clients for various purposes.  Downie Stewart advises clients on a wide range of trust law matters including advising on the Trusts Act 2019 in addition to trust formation, administration and winding-up.

  • We provide advice on whether or not a Trust is right for you while looking at your entire personal, professional and financial situation. A Trust is not for everyone so it is important that we understand what it is you are trying to achieve and why. We can then draft a Trust deed that is right for you and provide you the necessary advice, or services, to administer your Trust going forwards.

  • If a Trust has already been settled, we provide advice to Trustees on their obligations, the exercise of their powers and provision of information to beneficiaries. We provide advice to Trustees on what clauses could (or should) be varied to best achieve the Settlors’ (the people that establish the Trust) wishes, or to bring the original Trust deed into line with the Trusts Act 2019. As times have changed and laws have evolved, it is important that Trustees and beneficiaries are armed with the skills and knowledge to ensure the Trust is still achieving the Settlors’ original goals.

  • We can provide guidance and advice to both Trustees and beneficiaries if a Trust does not provide for a situation, if it has previously been administered incorrectly, or assist if Trustees need to make an application to seek guidance from the High Court.

Find an Expert

  • Mathew Haggart

    Mathew Haggart


  • Bianca Greene

    Bianca Greene

    Associate Registered Legal Executive

  • Kate McLay

    Kate McLay

    Lawyer / Trust Manager

  • Christine Bowler


“Bianca was a pleasure to work with, her efficiency is matched only by her empathy and her ability to adapt her approach to differing personalities. My fathers Estate and his beneficiaries were not just a file, Bianca cares.”

Stephanie Poland

Bianca Greene

Associate Registered Legal Executive

Are you looking for tailored solutions to protect your estate? Contact our experts today.