Council Delays for Property Developers

Subdividing off the back section or otherwise developing your property may seem like a way to ‘get rich quick’; but be prepared for a long process.

Resource and building consents have never been an overnight job. The last few years particularly have seen developers face significant delays for reasons varying from staffing shortages to larger numbers of consent applications. In some areas, councils have struggled to meet mandatory timeframes for processing applications, with some taking many months longer than expected. The extent of ongoing delays differs from council to council, depending on current resources and the number of other developments underway in the area.

Regardless of your local situation, preparation remains key. A detailed application can help avoid additional information requests from the council that may cause delays. If you are undertaking any land development, do talk with us about the process involved and, particularly, the current timeframes so you can get a clearer measure on how your proposed development might progress.

DISCLAIMER: All the information published is true and accurate to the best of the authors knowledge. It should not be a substitute for legal advice. No liability is assumed by the authors or publisher for losses suffered by any person or organisation relying directly or indirectly on this article. Views expressed are those of individual authors, and do not necessarily reflect the view of this firm. Articles appearing in this newsletter may be reproduced with prior approval from the editor and credit given to the source. Copyright, NZ LAW Limited, 2019. Editor: Adrienne Olsen. E-mail: Ph: 029 286 3650 or 04 496 5513


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